Disaster Policy Guidelines

Resource Centre for Participatory Development Studies – RCPDS is a field based development resource agency, which strives to work for sustainable development of vulnerable communities.  The non negotiable of RCPDS in its development intervention include Children, Dalits, Gender, Natural Resource Protection and HIV/AIDS.  Our recent learning from various disaster management programmes made us to think loudly on our role and need for demarcating a clear policy guideline for the organization.  This document is an out come of such dialogue approved in by the general body of the organization.

Involvement and lessons learnt from various earlier interventions of RCPDS and its parent body – SPEECH - in recurring disasters such as drought, flood, fire accidents, earthquake and recent tsunami waves in the working area in partnership with various actors such as Government of Tamilnadu, KNH, Germany, German Agro Action, Save the Children, SCIAF and Oxfam made to think of evolving specific disaster policy for the organization.  We have made several rounds of discussions with many partner communities, peoples organizations/Federations (CBOs), PRI representatives and board members to crystallize and sharpen our focus on disaster intervention.

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