Annual Report - 2016-2017

The general environment for ensuring child rights as envisaged in the long-term objectives have been, compared against the previous year, is very positive. The trend for children accessing educational rights have been changed positively since the District administration had a targeted drive as per the instruction from the State which worked closely with the project field team in the area and ensured 100% enrollment.  With this support the project managed to tap resources from Central supported scheme of SSA through which two toilets and compound wall as protection measure was constructed during the year for the middle schools in our area.

Annual Report - 2015-2016

The Child Focussed Community Development project in partnership with KNH has just crossed its second year with its partner communities. The year 2015-16 had been a year of progress in making a clear difference in the lives of vulnerable children by working together with our partner communities in facilitating a Rights realisation process for children

Annual Report - 2014-2015

“Making a Difference in lives of children”   It is our great pleasure to give feedback on the great support and the mighty power of your great gesture of love that helped our children who were in very bad position due to poverty and are vulnerable to fall victim to leading an adult life of wage earning, support their siblings and socially excluded without a way out to basic education, health care and access to Child Rights.

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