Mainstreaming Social Inclusion through Retrieving Rights Of Dalit Children And Community Mobilisation


Since 2007 RCPDS focused on ensuring Child Rights against various forms of violations such as child labor, early child marriage and caste based oppression scenario in Tiruchuli and Narikudi blocks of Virudunagar in partnership with Kindernothilfe, Germany.  Thus Balasakthi CFCD project, in its seven years span reduced the issues against the benchmark set by the base line and specific objectives of reducing child rights violations were greatly achieved.  During the project span RCPDS initiated appropriate community based institution which are linked to their respective apex body called Federation as well child rights protection committees, to effectively address child protection mechanism on a sustainable basis even after the project period.  This is clearly brought out in the participatory impact assessment done by community members as well the external evaluation conducted by CMS, Bangalore. 

RCPDS also serve as resource organisation for capacity building on Child Rights Approach, SHG assessments in India, Srilanka and Bangladesh. RCPDS also promoted a strong children movement to address Climate Justice/Rights jointly with KNH which is currently functioning as independent Movement with the support of KNH under project number 2022.  Having achieved tangible results in the lives of children from the target villages of Balasakthi, realized the need for sharing, scaling up of lessons learnt as well CBOs promoted in the neighboring dalit villages where similar child rights violations take place.  Towards this RCPDS propose to launch a new project with another of needy villages called - Marumalarchi – which means ‘New Beginning’ or Renaissance.

The project propose to work in 12 villages from four panchayats which fall into two blocks of Virudhunagar District viz. Kariapatti and Tiruchuli, covering a total of 1450 families, to ensure Child Rights communities on a sustainable basis.  The project funding sources will be raised by ‘Ambassador Children’ identified based on a set of criteria jointly evolved by the communities using participatory tools.  The identified criteria include the following priorities – children, from Women headed households, children with disability, children with serious illness, child labourers, children dropped out, and children from dalit families, lower income sources and preference for girl children.  The project adopts an inclusive approach of livelihood development for landless, single women families and resource poor households in the proposed villages. 

Development goal(s):

  • Children from Dalit and Socially marginalised families have their basic Child Rights Assured and protected against all forms of abuse while their families improve Food security and poverty reduced by improving family income, building appropriate awareness, mainstreaming with government system through strengthening CBOs from two Blocks of Virudunagar District, Tamil Nadu.


  • 450 children between the age of 3 - 5 years who do not have access to “Anganwadi” including those who attend Anganwadis run by ICDS, enjoy basic ECD provisions from Rights perspective, duly supported and gap filled in systems (ICDS anganwadi centres) on a sustainable basis.
  • 500 children between the age of  5 plus to 13 are able to develop life skills and enjoy basic rights and child friendly environment
  • 400 children between the age of 13 plus to 18 will enjoy basic rights, child protection from various forms of abuse and continue their higher education along with eco friendly life-style
  • 1200 duty bearers from government line department (Child Welfare Officers, School Teachers, Balwadi facilitators, health extension staff, NGO field staff and other KNH partners) will follow child protection protocols and linked to National system of child protection
  • The livelihood opportunities expanded to improve income level of 500 target families by 30% through the Federation and other supplementary income generation interventions
  • Target families from 12 villages/panchayats will have access to protected water supply, environment and sanitation facilities through various state institutions and public services.
  • Child Protection Mechanism and Child Rights Forums are sustained through formation of appropriate CBOs by way of  SHGs, CLA (CRPCs) and Federate them to the Block Level registered body 


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